Thursday, February 22, 2007

A quick side note...

In watching the Superbowl a while back, I learned that, not only do lions enjoy carne asada taquitos, they wholeheartedly endorse them. Now, it needs to be stated that, I have always taken lion endorsements very seriously. Like that lion who growls at the beginning of MGM movies--you just know when you hear him growl, you're in for a real treat.

Anyway, I'm not pointing any fingers, but, since the only thing I can cook is hamburger helper, we've been eating out a lot lately. On a recent Taco Bell run, I remembered the strong endorsement of the lions and decided to order the new steak grilled, carne asada taquitos.

There was lot of confusion at the drive-through. I wanted 4, but ended up with 8 of these things. All of this is leading to the point, which is: after eating a few of these, I'm now rethinking the amount of weight I place on the endorsement of a lion. Now that I'm thinking about it, a lion will probably eat just about anything.


Amy said...

OK Ok Enough about taquitos! We want to see the baby!!! Congratulations!!! Amy

Dan said...

Those MGM lions always freaked me out. I never knew what to expect--A scary movie? A documentary on predators?